How to install PHPStorm, PHP, Composer and Node on your macMini

I want to have a small developer environment on my old intel macMini. So I write down my steps for my further use if I need to reinstall this on a newer Mac.

Install Homebrew

Visit and install Homebrew on your Mac. This allows you to easy install packages normally not available on your Mac like PHP, Node.js, Composer and stuff.

Just follow the instructions on the homepage, open your Terminal and copy & paste the command and run it. The rest is sit and wait. The install routine will install everything needed to have homebred up and ready for installing packages. BE PATIENT! 🙂

Install PHP

Open your Terminal and type brew install php and run this command. Also sit and wait and watch the magic happens. Homebrew will install the newest PHP version. if you want to have a special version just modify your command like brew install php@8.3

Install NodeJS

On you can download a pkg for macOS. Simply installl it – done. This will install NODE and NPM

Install Composer

Install PHPStorm

Download The ToolBox for Jetbrains to install PHPStorm at

Start the Jetbrains Toolbox and install PHPStorm

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