Updated streaming.rolandradio.net and added cronjob for SSL Cert

After such a long time i now found the time to update the streaming,rolandradio.net server and added a cron job to update the SSL certificate on a monthly base, so it shall not happen anymore that the streaming server is running out of its https capabilities and mini player on www.rolandradio.net doesnt streams audio in chrome and other paranoid browsers 😀

Kleines bisschen dumm…

Kann das sein 
dass du ein kleines bisschen dumm bist?
Ein kleines bisschen?
Kann das sein?

Dann ist toll, 
dass du auf TikTok bist
Denn dann bist du nicht so allein

Wie schön das ist
Wenn man zusammen ist
Gemeinsam Menschen disst
Und Hass verbreitet

Sich lustig macht
Über alles lacht
Egal wie sehr 
Der andere darunter leidet


Ich kauf mir T-shirts 
Made in Bangladesh
Die kosten wenig
Doch sie kleiden mich fesch
Ne Jacke, ne Hose 
Und die Unterwäsch’
Nähen kleine Kinder
Aus Bangladesh

Und es ist mir egal
Ob die Kinder dort leiden
Hätten sie was gelernt
Müssten sie mich nicht

Ich kann ja nichts dafür
Es liegt auch nicht an mir
Dass die da drüben halt
in jungen Jahren arbeiten

Das ist deren Kultur
Arbeiten rund um die Uhr
Für Primark, Mango, KiK
Kinderhände sind so geschickt

Beim Fabrikunglück in Sabhar
In der Nähe der Hauptstadt Dhaka
Kamen über 1100 Menschen ums Leben

Nur weil die Fabrik 
In sich zusammenbricht
Hausbau ist nicht deren Ding
Kleidung bekommen sie hin

Ich kann ja nichts dafür
Es liegt auch nicht an mir
Dass die da drüben halt
in jungen Jahren arbeiten

Das ist deren Kultur
Arbeiten rund um die Uhr
Für Primark, Mango, KiK
Kinderhände sind so geschickt

Ich kann ja nichts dafür
Es liegt auch nicht an mir
Dass die da drüben halt
in jungen Jahren arbeiten

Das ist deren Kultur
Arbeiten rund um die Uhr
Für Primark, Mango, KiK
Kinderhände sind so geschickt

Romantic Moves for pre-save

You want to get my new remastered Version of ROmantic Moves right from the start. So you can use this link to pre-save my album:


This Ditto SmartLink puts all the pre-save & live links to my latest release on one easy-to-share page, so fans can hear my music no matter which platform they prefer.

Remastered version of Romantic Moves will be released soon.

In 2003 I wrote Romantic Moves. An album with 10 SynthiePop tracks and released on Jamendo 2006. Since I’m listed as an artist on the most popular streaming platforms and my latest album “Michael” was released there, I decided to put the older albums there as well. All albums will be remastered and added within one year. Some of them will have new covers, because the demands on resolution and quality of the cover start have increased in the last 20 years 🙂

New Album-Cover of Romantic Moves Remastered

New Version of the Romantic Moves cover due to a needed better resolution for the streaming platforms
Old cover version i like more, but have no better quality nor the original picture used for the cover 🙂

Check out my accounts on Apple Music, Spotify and other straming platforms. You’ll find them all in my footer on this website.

How to install Audirvana if the ms-appinstaller fails.

A friend recommended Audirvana and I wanted to try this music management and player system. Unfortunately the download of the app didn’t work because the system on which I wanted to install it doesn’t have an installation of the Microsoft App Store. Audirvana doesn’t offer a proper .EXE, so there is nothing left to do but to trick something.

ms-appinstaller doesnt open the install-routine

Nevertheless, the appinstaller file with the name “AudirvanaSetup.appinstaller” is downloaded. Open it ini a texteditor and you will get something like this:



copy and paste the Uri to any browser to download the appxbundle-file to your computer. In this example it is https://audirvana.com/delivery/windows/AudirvanaSetup_3.5.37.0_Test/AudirvanaSetup_3.5.37.0_x64.appxbundle

Right-Click on the powershell and use “run as administrator”

Start PowerShell in Administator mode and use this command. Sure the path to your AudirvanaSetup must be changed.

Add-AppxPackage -Path "C:\Users\plex\Downloads\AudirvanaSetup_3.5.37.0_x64.appxbundle"

After this you will have installed Audirvana on your Windows 10 System

RolandRadio2020 – my new hobby :-)

I am rebuilding the whole RolandRadio-System. New Server, new radio automation software, new homepage, new functionality. New everything.

First we have bought a completely new radio automation hardware. Some nice “games-pc”. All this modern stuff like SSDs, HDMI, 8.1 soundcard and everything build in an very very old 19 inch full-metal rack-case from the late 90s. Heavy stuff but horrible fast. Running Windows 10 and mairList 6.2 Professional for the radio automation. And a new monitor, keyboard and mouse. Total cost for this setup? Roundabout 600 euros for the hardware and about 1400 euros for the software. 2000 euros in total.

Old Server-Case, but ultra-fresh hardware and software: RolandRadio2020

Thats what i call a nice hobby 🙂 But hopefully this invest will help run RolandRadio for the next ten years or so. The old system runs 24/7 since 2013 and is still running, but the mainboard is weak and reboots are kind of gamble. So new hardware is needed.

I’ve set up the hardware a few days ago and today i temporarily installed mairlist, the license, imported the database of the old (and still running) RolandRadio and started to clean things up to have a nice and stable chiptune-radio-station.

Cleaning up the Database of the radio automation software – takes its time.

Also i have tested the stream and set up a new beta streaming-mountpoint on streaming.rolandradio.net called rolandradio2020. My own streaming server is running since the beginning and I should also update this server and add some https-protocol to it. But that’s hopefully the last thing i will do on this project later thisor next year.

So thats it for the moment. If you want to participate in any way on RolandRadio i will be happy to hear from you,

Building a new RolandRadio

At the moment i build a new rolandradio.net radio station annd also move the whole old radio station data and music files to a new server system.

as the old radio station server conatins a lot of music not fitting the concept of rolandradio.net i first migrated all data, converted the database into the new mairlist 6.2 format and after that deleted all unwanted sound-files from my drive. Now i am deleting the obsolete database entries. This takes horrible long. As the path of the drive changed the database-manager tries to detect the file, times out and deletes the entry in the database. Nearly two hours of wasted time 🙂

SID Chip Club: a vinyl album of real C64 house muzak :-)

So that is a nice project I have supported a bit. Yes I know. It’s SID and not AY. But who cares. I’ve done a few SID-based things long time ago too. Not that good as this little 12 inch vinyl long-play, but who cares.

So if you want something very special go and invest on a nice project of LMan. Klick here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lman/sid-chip-club-vinyl-album-real-c64-house-and-techn

Oh, and you also can get this vinyl in pure black, a C64 cartridge, the source codes, digital downloads and much more.