How to install PHPStorm, PHP, Composer and Node on your macMini

I want to have a small developer environment on my old intel macMini. So I write down my steps for my further use if I need to reinstall this on a newer Mac.

Install Homebrew

Visit and install Homebrew on your Mac. This allows you to easy install packages normally not available on your Mac like PHP, Node.js, Composer and stuff.

Just follow the instructions on the homepage, open your Terminal and copy & paste the command and run it. The rest is sit and wait. The install routine will install everything needed to have homebred up and ready for installing packages. BE PATIENT! 🙂

Install PHP

Open your Terminal and type brew install php and run this command. Also sit and wait and watch the magic happens. Homebrew will install the newest PHP version. if you want to have a special version just modify your command like brew install php@8.3

Install NodeJS

On you can download a pkg for macOS. Simply installl it – done. This will install NODE and NPM

Install Composer

Install PHPStorm

Download The ToolBox for Jetbrains to install PHPStorm at

Start the Jetbrains Toolbox and install PHPStorm

Problems adding two Lenovo Displays to MacBook Pro Mx via Lenovo ThinkPad Docking Station

I’ve bought a ThinkPad Docking-Station from Lenovo and two Lenovo 27″ Displays but if I connected the USB-C Cable of the Docking Station to the MacBook Pro the displays keep black. No Singnal 🙁 – Direct Connection of one of the Displays to the HDMI-Port of the MacBook worked fine,m so I expected to have a problem with the Docking-Station.

After searching around I’ve found this software from Synaptics called DIsplayLink. Check the details on their page.

After installing and giving access to the system the displays are working and everything is fine. as long as I have seen, the software is free.

Getting a 1 TB MicroSD-Card into your Bambu Lab X1C

Bambu Labs MicroSD-Card-Slot at the lower right of the display can handle 1 TB MicroSD-Cards but will fail to format them in the machine itself, so the MicroSD-Card needs to be formatted outside of the 3D-Printer itself. You’ll run into an timeout if you try and nothing can fix this at the moment.

I took my MicroSD-Card and inserted it into my Macbook Pros SD-Card-Slot with the MicroSD-Card to SD-Adapter which was delivered with the MicroSD-Card. Format the Card with FAT! No ExFAT or other formats. FAT only!

Insert the MicroSD-Card into your 3D-Printer and it will show you the free space on the card. So now you have a 1TB storage space for your models and videorecordings.

How to install Image Magick on Windows

Download the fitting Imagick-Packet from this source: Install the ImageMagick PHP extension in Windows | mlocati – Michele Locati

Be sure to select the fitting Verson Thread Safe or Not.

Unzip the Package.

Copy php_imagick.dll into your php-root/ext-Directory. Copy all the other DLL-Files directly to your /php-root directory.

Add extension=imagick to your php.ini file. Restart your WebServer or your comand shell. Enter php -v in your command shell and check that there are no errors.

Updated and added cronjob for SSL Cert

After such a long time i now found the time to update the streaming, server and added a cron job to update the SSL certificate on a monthly base, so it shall not happen anymore that the streaming server is running out of its https capabilities and mini player on doesnt streams audio in chrome and other paranoid browsers 😀

curl does not work on laravel with php 8

first be sure you have activated the curl-extension in your php.ini file.

After that get the cacert.pem file from curl – Extract CA Certs from Mozilla and safe it o your computer. i saved it into my php-directory. after that edit php.ini again and modify the following entry to point to the .pem.file:

; A default value for the CURLOPT_CAINFO option. This is required to be an
; absolute path.
curl.cainfo = "C:\php\php80\cacert.pem"

Install Bootstrap in Laravel 8

run those commands in your project:

npm install bootstrap
npm install sass
npm install sass-loader

If not exists, create the file


and add this:

@import '~bootstrap';

and last add the compilation in the file webpack.mix.js:

mix.sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css')

After that compile it with npm run dev and you’ll see public/css/app.css

After that you can add this code to your template to import bootstrap:

<link href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

iGITt iGITt – Initiales

Git global setup
git config --global "User Name"
git config --global ""
Create a new repository in Git
git clone
cd bmln
git switch -c main
git add
git commit -m "add README"
git push -u origin main
Push an existing folder
cd existing_folder
git init --initial-branch=main
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin main
Push an existing Git repository
cd existing_repo
git remote rename origin old-origin
git remote add origin
git push -u origin --all
git push -u origin --tags

Kleines bisschen dumm…

Kann das sein 
dass du ein kleines bisschen dumm bist?
Ein kleines bisschen?
Kann das sein?

Dann ist toll, 
dass du auf TikTok bist
Denn dann bist du nicht so allein

Wie schön das ist
Wenn man zusammen ist
Gemeinsam Menschen disst
Und Hass verbreitet

Sich lustig macht
Über alles lacht
Egal wie sehr 
Der andere darunter leidet


Ich kauf mir T-shirts 
Made in Bangladesh
Die kosten wenig
Doch sie kleiden mich fesch
Ne Jacke, ne Hose 
Und die UnterwĂ€sch’
NĂ€hen kleine Kinder
Aus Bangladesh

Und es ist mir egal
Ob die Kinder dort leiden
HĂ€tten sie was gelernt
MĂŒssten sie mich nicht

Ich kann ja nichts dafĂŒr
Es liegt auch nicht an mir
Dass die da drĂŒben halt
in jungen Jahren arbeiten

Das ist deren Kultur
Arbeiten rund um die Uhr
FĂŒr Primark, Mango, KiK
KinderhÀnde sind so geschickt

Beim FabrikunglĂŒck in Sabhar
In der NĂ€he der Hauptstadt Dhaka
Kamen ĂŒber 1100 Menschen ums Leben

Nur weil die Fabrik 
In sich zusammenbricht
Hausbau ist nicht deren Ding
Kleidung bekommen sie hin

Ich kann ja nichts dafĂŒr
Es liegt auch nicht an mir
Dass die da drĂŒben halt
in jungen Jahren arbeiten

Das ist deren Kultur
Arbeiten rund um die Uhr
FĂŒr Primark, Mango, KiK
KinderhÀnde sind so geschickt

Ich kann ja nichts dafĂŒr
Es liegt auch nicht an mir
Dass die da drĂŒben halt
in jungen Jahren arbeiten

Das ist deren Kultur
Arbeiten rund um die Uhr
FĂŒr Primark, Mango, KiK
KinderhÀnde sind so geschickt