Be sure to select the fitting Verson Thread Safe or Not.
Unzip the Package.
Copy php_imagick.dll into your php-root/ext-Directory. Copy all the other DLL-Files directly to your /php-root directory.
Add extension=imagick to your php.ini file. Restart your WebServer or your comand shell. Enter php -v in your command shell and check that there are no errors.
first be sure you have activated the curl-extension in your php.ini file.
After that get the cacert.pem file from curl – Extract CA Certs from Mozilla and safe it o your computer. i saved it into my php-directory. after that edit php.ini again and modify the following entry to point to the .pem.file:
[curl] ; A default value for the CURLOPT_CAINFO option. This is required to be an ; absolute path. curl.cainfo = "C:\php\php80\cacert.pem"
First of all download the PHP-Version you want to install. In my case it will be the PHP 7.3 x64 Thread Save versio. This is the link to the download section on In my case i downloaded the ZIP-file of VC15 x64 Thread Safe (2020-Oct-27 16:52:12). Unzip the ZIP archive to a new folde which will be your php installation folder. So choose wisely 🙂 I used c:\php\php73 for that. After you have unzipped the PHP-Archive you need to locate the file php.ini-development and rename it to php.ini.
Open the php.ini file in any texteditor and change the extension_dir settings to the choosen directory, followed by an /ext. In my case its c:\php\php73\ext. Or you can set it like below:
; On windows: extension_dir = "ext"
After that you need to add your path to the php-directory (in my case: C:\php\php73) to the Windows PATH variable. Search for “PATH” in the Windows Search-Bar to edit the environment variables.
Edit Environment Variables
Search in the system variable for the Path entry and edit this to add your PHP-path
After you have added your line click ok on all Windows to save your settings
To verify everything worked correctly open your command shell by typing cmd into the windows search bar
and type php -v in your command shell. You shall get the version information of your php installation. And now everything is done.
The same procedure is for every other php version like 7.x or 7.4. To install php in different directories (in my case C:\php\phpVERSION) gives you the chance to use different php version on Command Line Interface by setting the direct pth to the executable CLI.
First i installed XAMP 64-bit-version from This package installs a web-server and a database-server, so the basics to do some nice online development in a local environment. As said i only installed Apache, mySQL-Server and FakeMail. No TomCat, no Mailserver, no Statistics, no Perl, cause no other packages are needed for my Laravel and mySQL-Project. If i want to test mail functionality later on i will use a real external mail server to be sure everything works as expected.
Add your software to your environment path
After installing XAMP i added php and mysql to the environment path of my user, so i can start php and the mysql command on every path i will be in my terminal. That is needed to run laravel artisan and other php-based commands from the shell.
To do this type “path” in your Windows search and start the system settings to add more directories to your path:
Install Node.js and Composer
Next i installed the current 64 bit version of Node.js from without any extras, following with the Windows Version of Composer from – First entry on this page is “Windows Installer”. Load the .exe and install Composer. Make sure Composer finds your PHP-Directory from XAMP, which should be c:\xampp\php\php.exe but may differ in your setup and depends on the directory you installed XAMP first. No options where installed with composer either. Check in your terminal shell if composer is available with the command composer -V
Install Laravel
Now install Laravel by typing composer global require laravel/installer on your shell in your home directory
and add %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Composer\vendor\bin to your path. you can check your path with the command “PATH” and will get some like this result:
Create a new Laravel-Project
You can add a new project by typing laravel new projectname but i prefer doing it on the IDE side, so i start up PHPSTORM and open a new Project. chose laravel/laravel as package, leave version on “default” to use latest Laravel version and just click create. Now wait some time and your first laravel project will be installed. This will take several minutes. Stay tuned. Don’ panic 🙂
After that PHPStorm asks if you want to install the npm dependencies. Yes you will. You can do it manual by typing npm install in your project directory. this also will take some time. oh, boy.
Finally check if everything is installed OK and start you laravel project by typing “php artisan serve” and check your localhost in your browser if there is a laravel page. you also will see the favicon served to your browser in the protcol of the laravel server
Oh yeah. Today i installed XAMPP into c:\xampp to work with a local environment at my Windows 10 Pro Computer. But instead of MySQL i wanted to use MongoDB.
After installing XAMPP i installed MongoDB Server Community Edition. First i tried to custom install the software at c:\mongodb but then the database service won’t start. So after messing around and trying to get it fixed i gave up and installed MongoDB with the default path into C:\Program Files\MongoDB Works perfect and the service is running without producing errors. I also downloaded MongoDB Compass Community Edition for having a nice visual database editor.