How to install Audirvana if the ms-appinstaller fails.

A friend recommended Audirvana and I wanted to try this music management and player system. Unfortunately the download of the app didn’t work because the system on which I wanted to install it doesn’t have an installation of the Microsoft App Store. Audirvana doesn’t offer a proper .EXE, so there is nothing left to do but to trick something.

ms-appinstaller doesnt open the install-routine

Nevertheless, the appinstaller file with the name “AudirvanaSetup.appinstaller” is downloaded. Open it ini a texteditor and you will get something like this:



copy and paste the Uri to any browser to download the appxbundle-file to your computer. In this example it is

Right-Click on the powershell and use “run as administrator”

Start PowerShell in Administator mode and use this command. Sure the path to your AudirvanaSetup must be changed.

Add-AppxPackage -Path "C:\Users\plex\Downloads\AudirvanaSetup_3.5.37.0_x64.appxbundle"

After this you will have installed Audirvana on your Windows 10 System