My entry for the Streaming Music Competition at Revision 2018

Jesus died for us to party

Der letzte Mensch von Ludwig Ferdinand Schnorr von Carolsfeld

It’s the fifth time that i am participating at the streaming music competition at Revision Easter-Party. Most of the entries are kind of Dance, Techno or other kind of “umz umz umz”-music. I prefer to do something other. This year I submitted a song called “Jesus died for us to party” which was inspired by a discussion about Jesus and God i had with cosowi / Plush last year. The song was played first and reached the 8th place.

Altogether 27 pieces were submitted, so that my result is not so bad. Unfortunately it was also this year that the big screen only reached the 7th place and so my name was again not on the wall 🙂

Here is the YouTube video of the Revision Streaming Music Competition 2018

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